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Edoardo GIOJA
Armida playing the violin
Edoardo Gioja

Rome 1862 - London 1937

Armida playing the violin
(Armida che suona il violino)
, circa 1914

oil on canvas, 200 by 120 cm
signed bottom right: Edoardo Gioja Roma.

Rome 1998, Società degli Amatori e Cultori, Campo dei Fiori Gallery, april 2 - may 23, 1998.

P. Spadini, L. Djokic, Società degli Amatori e Cultori, Campo dei Fiori Gallery, Rome 1998, no. 30, pp. 70, 71.

This painting Armida che suona il violino, is one of the numerous portraits of his daughter, one of his favourites models. Larger than life-size, the young lady is dressed in a blue, green elegant summer dress. The work dimensions induced to think that the painting was designed to an important exhibition.

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Anne Mills portrait

Anne Mills portrait
(Ritratto di Lady Anne Mills)
, 1915

oil on canvas, 90 by 90 cm
signed and dated bottom center: Edoardo Gioja London 1915.

click on image to enlarge (180 Kb)
Charles portrait

Charles portrait
(Ritratto di Charles)

oil on canvas, 130 by 75 cm
inscribed bottom right: - Charles - Edoardo Gioja.

click on image to enlarge (81 Kb)
Fishes round dance

Fishes round dance
(La ridda di pesci)
, 1897

wood panel, low relief 75 by 122 cm
signed and dated bottom right: Edoardo Gioja, pittore in Roma, gennaio 1897.

P. Spadini, L’archivio di Edoardo Gioja, Emporio Floreale, Rome 1980, pp. 17, 18.

Wood panel for dining room of villino Manzi in Rome.

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Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori | via di Monserrato, 30 - 00186 Rome ITALY | phone +39.06.68804621
gallery hours: monday through saturday 10 am - 1 pm / 4 pm - 7 pm | closed on monday mornings and public holidays
italian version | last update: September 7, 2013 | connected users: 14