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volume: 1890 - 1940 Artisti e Mostre
1890 - 1940 Artisti e Mostre
1890 - 1940
Artisti e Mostre
Repertorio di pittori e incisori italiani
in esposizioni nazionali

no.17 of collection
May 2001

edited by: Renato Breda
book edited on the occasion of the exhibition: Artisti in mostra / 1890 - 1940

format 21 by 15 cm, book in paper-covers, coloured cover, tissue-paper dust jacket, 508 pages, 16 black and white reproductions.

Italian artists from the most important national exhibitions from 1890 to 1940. 10.000 painters and engravers, 67.000 visitors and 430 exhibitions.

printing: 500 copies.
price: 100 euro.

reviews on web: Exibart - Libri


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Nuova Galleria Campo dei Fiori | via di Monserrato, 30 - 00186 Rome ITALY | phone +39.06.68804621
gallery hours: monday through saturday 10 am - 1 pm / 4 pm - 7 pm | closed on monday mornings and public holidays
italian version | last update: September 7, 2013 | connected users: 7